
Monday, February 12, 2007

A lot

I feel like I have so much to write about. I'm debating on writing one long blog or splitting it up into smaller blogs based on category......whatever....we'll just see what happens. Anyway let me begin with mentioning that I greatly dislike being sick. On Thursday morning I woke up feeling super crappy. I tried convincing myself that it was all in my head, so I got out of bed at my usual time of 4:45am and headed for the pool. Mind over matter right? Wrong. Normally if I feel crappy, my swim helps to make me feel better. Well not so much this time. After my swim I decided it would be best if I stay home from work and sleep. So I did just that. I spent all day Thursday in bed. Actually, I did run one errand but that was because I absolutely had to. My one errand was to the Cingular store to set up my new phone.....seeing how my old one broke. Stupid phones.
Anyway, Friday morning I woke up feeling a little better so I went ahead and decided that going to work would be the best idea. Halfway through my day I was back to feeling crappy, but I managed to get through it.
Saturday I woke up even worse, but I was determined to get better by that evening. I had been planning on going to a birthday party for weeks and there was no way I was going to let being sick stop me. Once again I slept all day, loaded up on the cough medicine and went out for a night of partying. I had an awesome time and surprisingly I woke up feeling decent the next morning.
So it's Monday morning now and I'm at home, still feeling kind of sick. Thankfully my client didn't have school today so I get to stay home and rest. I do have session this afternoon but hopefully I'll be okay.
Well that's the run down on how I'm doing physically. I guess my emotions will have to be on another blog.......


At 7:36 PM, Blogger Jeans Pants said...

Sorry i was gone for so long and I'm sorry you were so so sick. That's terrible. How you feeling now? Will I find out in the above post. Let's find out


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