
Saturday, December 23, 2006

I just had to put it down

With the holidays upon us, I know that I should be reflecting on everything that I am blessed with. Trust me when I say this, I am thankful for everything I have. I couldn't ask for a better family, I have an awesome job and so many other things are wonderful in my life. However, there is one thing that I just had to put in writing before this year is over, even though I know the person/people who this is directed to will never read it.
Like many of you know, I absolutely love music. The wonderful thing about music is that oftentime someone who actually has singing/writing talent manages to write a song with lyrics that fit so well with a situation/s that you have experienced. Not every lyric in this song fits, but I'm putting down the lyrics that I totally feel. This song is in spanish so I translated it, for my non spanish speaking readers. : )

Te he querido, te he llorado (I have loved you, I have cried over you) by Ivy Queen

...Te burlas de mi, me haces sufrir...
No soy de hierro
Yo soy una mujer...
Sufriras como yo asi tu lo veras
Y en tu vida nadie te querra
Lo que hiciste me la pagaras
Si en mis manos tuviera un puñal lo usaria
Y la vida yo te quitaria Por dejarme tan sola y vacia

You make fun of me, you make me suffer.
I am not made out of iron, i am a woman.
You will suffer the way I have suffered, trust me.
In your life no one will like/love you.
What you did to me you will pay for.
If in my hand I had a knife, I would use it.
I would take your life, for leaving me so empty and alone.

Like I said before, I know it won't be read by the person/people that made me feel this way, but it just feels better to put it down in writing. Anyway, I think this song is amazing and if you actually want to hear it I have it on my Myspace so check it out.

***update: now you don't have to go to my Myspace page***

Te he querido , Te he llorado - MUSICA.COM


At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeez, inez

i'm scared!!


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