
Thursday, October 26, 2006


I should be at work right now in my class with my kid making some cool Halloween thing or out on the yard playing a game....but i am at home. Why you ask? Becasue my car decided to go on vacation this morning.... while I was on my way to work.... in the middle of a busy street. Good times. I was coming to a red light and let up on the gas and my car went to sleep. No engine running, no power to the car, no hazards, no fun. I instinctively hit the hazards but with no power to the car it did nothing. The cars behind me were getting mad so i jumped out of the car (real smart thing to do) and started pushing my car. Thankfully I was so close to a gas station and thankfully I drive a toy car so I was able to push it. Before I had even pushed it 10 feet I heard the beeping noise the car makes when you are about to turn it on. Relieved, I jumped back in the car, quickly turned it on and drove back home. Before I made it home it turned off again and then turned back on. My car was teasing me. Anyway, so now I am sitting at home waiting for Bobby to come look at it. Hopefully he can figure out what's wrong with it and I can go to work. I want to go to work.


At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had something like that once...i can't remember if it was the alternator or the bettery..fun times


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